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Every device that uses the internet has an IP address. And each IP address uses another IP address to communicate with the internet. A little complicated isn’t it? Okay, let us try another way. An IP address is a series of numbers used to identify a particular device on a network. Now there are four types of IP addresses: Public IP Address, Private IP Address, Static IP address, and Dynamic IP Address. Let us know first a few lines about all the IP addresses.

Public IP Address: A public Internet Protocol is a unique address to identify machines on the internet. This IP address is provided by Internet Service Provider. An address like is an example of a public address.

Private IP Address: What is that?

Getaways like, and are some of the common examples of private IP Addresses. The private address belongs to the router or server host we used to connect to the internet. ISP issued this address.

Static IP Address: this particular IP address is used by the DNS server. DNS Server used it to let the device identify the path to connect to them.

Dynamic IP Address: this temporary address is a series of numbers used by a computer to connect to the host, server network, and different web addresses. This network is frequently changed. Login Admin

What makes a Private IP address different from other IP addresses?

All of these IP addresses are used by our internet device, host, and server network to communicate with each other. But what is important to us most is the private IP addresses like  is that this IP address is used to change passwords or your router or WIFI. A few brands like Linksys, Telmex, BT, PlusNet, and AT&T used this gateway to allow their customer to configure the host device.

This particular gateway needs to be used without a “-t”. this is called ping. For example, someone used without a “-t”, it will provide 4 pieces of data to the host and will allow the host to send responses to each data. Again, this ping is also used to troubleshoot the IP-related problem of a computer or a host.

Why does the 192.168 range fall under the private group?

Though this particular IP address is used worldwide still it is considered a private one. It is because of its origin. If an IP address falls under an address range reserved to be used only by the Local network is called a private IP address. Private addresses controlled the limitation of individual devices. A computer or a device that uses a private IP address is not allowed to connect to the internet directly. Rather assistance of a host is necessary to settle communication between two devices using different private addresses. For example, I am using my Gmail account to send mail to a friend who uses yahoo mail. Now without the host, none of us can send or receive any mail from different domains. Though email is completely different from IP address still their work is kind of similar.

Ranges of Private Addresses:

There are four ranges of private addresses that are used by ISP to identify each device. They are: – –

172. 16.0.0 –

What makes this range different from others?

As we discussed earlier this particular range not only identifies our router and IP address, or allows us to connect to the internet through a medium but IP address helps us to adjust our router’s password. And what is more beneficial is that most popular router brands use this IP address to configure their router. Before we jump into any other matter related to this subject, let us know first why this range is special. You can see above the series looks exactly like but they are used on different porous. is a group of computers and all the computers that share the same ranges of IP addresses belong to this group.

This particular network is used by various router brands because it is easy to configure the network using this gateway. This is used by a large number of router brands worldwide to troubleshoot their device configuration issues or to set up their router. If one can remember 192.168 he/she can easily remember the rest. Now you can be curious why do you need to remember that. Your broadband operator will do it for you. But, looking at the raising of cybercrime we would suggest you set your username, password, and SSID name all by yourself.

You can easily remember the steps and guides. Later we will also guide you on how to set up your router using and how you can change your user ID and password. But before that, what we all need to know is what else this very IP address can do? I mean is it used only to set up a router or reset the password or the SSID name or user name. The answer is no we can use it anytime you face an issue related to your router. There are a few common issues that internet users usually face.

There are several problems that your computer or router can encounter while surfing the internet. Some of them are pointed out below.

  • You will be unable to log in to the admin panel.  
  • Your default IP address and password are not working
  • You are unable to access the gateway.
  • In case you have forgotten your old password.

Resolving the issue 

If you are having an issue connecting to your server network then you have to use  gateway. Because most router brands commonly used this IP address as a default gateway. They use different user IDs and passwords to access. We will come to know about it later. But before that let us know in detail about this very IP Address.

How can I set up my router?

If your router brand uses this gateway to configure their router then you surely can use this one to set your own. This setup required a few steps to follow. They are given below-


use the manual guide provided with the router to turn on the router. Do remember that different companies use different processes to turn on their router. Some asked to press the turn-on button for a few seconds and some used a quick double press to turn their device on.

Step 2

Use the ethernet cable provided by the server company to connect the router to the server. Again, use the ethernet cable that comes with the router to connect the router and computer or laptop. You will find more than three-port located on the back of the device.

Step 3

Let your device system configure the router device first. Once the host system and the receiver system identify each other you will get a notification.

Step 4

Now it is time for you to launch the web browser on your receiver system. On the URL tab put and wait for the page to open. In case you are unable to open use or to open the browser.

Step 5

This web address will take you to the admin page. You need to enter the default user id and password provided by the router.

Step 6

Click on the wireless option on the menu. Change the configure view to Manual. It will show you the name of the broadband network commonly known as SSID.

Step 7

Now go to the Wireless Security option. Set the security mode and passphrase manually.

Step 8

Logout from the setup menu and disconnect the device from the internet.

 Now start your computer again connect to the internet and you are ready to go. You can browse the internet.  But it is not safe to use the same password for too long. In this case, we recommend you change your user id and password to get a more secure wireless setup.

Is my router secure?

Well considering the rising rate of cybercrime, we do hesitate to predict if your computer and router are safe and secure.  See it is just a matter of time for a hacker near your house to break into your internet. Do you think this is absurd? How can someone possibly hack your secured home network? Well, it is very possible. And some of our activity leads us to open the path for those hackers to get into our pc.

What if there is no default user ID and Password?

If your router does not provide any password that means you are investing in an open-source network. Because it is not secured at all.  It has some serious issues related to security. In case you are also facing the same problem with your new router, contact your broadband operator as soon as possible and ask them to set up your router.

When you have a default user ID and Password

Next, you have probably received the user name and password along with your router. All most all brands provide their user name and password. But the thing is they use a common name and password. That means if you and your neighbor are using the same router brand that means you too are also using the same user id and password. And if you are lucky enough to share the same broadband services then the SSID name is also the same. Isn’t it funny? Well, certainly it is not. But before we know what to do let us know the default name and password for the brands that use the gateway.

Router NameUser IDPassword
Telmex InfinitumTELMEXContraseña (WPA)
Nokia (Subisu)AdminGPONALC#FGU
Nokia (Worldlink)userAdminYou can find that on the back of the router
Fastweb(printed on the modem)(printed on the modem)
Telusadmin(printed on the modem)
Spark NZadminadmin
Maxisadministrator(Router’s Serial No.)
PlusnetAdminAdmin password for Hub Manager printed on the back of the router


What should I do with them?

 Both of you who have a default user ID and password and those who do not have any, need to change them as soon as possible. Right after you have set up your home network. And this is a universal problem we forget to secure our network to use the WIFI as fast as possible. But setting up security is the first thing that should be done after configuring the router. Although many brands force their consumers to set a strong security system. But not everyone is that blessed right? To secure your network you need to do some more work. Here is a step-by-step guide and the reasons you must not forget while resetting your user ID and password.

How to set up a secured Home Network and the reason behind every step?

To set up a secured network you can also use the same IP Address.

Step 1

Go to page → put your default user name and password → go to the wireless section → go to change password → put your preferred one.

Reason: Before you take any step change your username and password to something more confidential. Avoid using your name or any common word related to you as a username. Next always Use an upper key, a lower key, a special key, and a number to create your password.

The number of these characters depends on you. You can use as many as you want.  Because is a worldwide used private id address, anyone can access your router by hacking your device. Considering the sudden rise of cybercrime, one must use a secured and unique username and a password to protect their network. 

Step 2

Set your security type to WPA or WPA2 option → save → Apply.

Reason: do not forget to turn on the wireless security. Even after each reset, you must turn on the wireless security. This comes on many levels. Always use the strongest one. You can go to the configuration menu to set the security type. You can also set the WEP standard but it will require you to change your password frequently.  

Step 3

Go to the administrator panel → Go to setting → search for “SSID” or “WIFI name” → put your preferred WIFI name → save.

Reason 3: SSID is a unique name that you can set according to your choice. A particular brand used a default SSID name for their router. But to protect yourself from any vulnerable incident you need to change the SSID name that appeared on your screen as soon as possible. You can find an option to change this name on the setup page of the router.

Step 4

Open the wireless tab→ and click on change your SSID Type→ Disable SSID broadcast.

Reason 4: Never let the SSID broadcast on. Many routers let the SSID name show to the nearest receiving device each time they searched for a WIFI connection. This will encourage a hacker to break through your home network.

How to check if the router is working well?

All this hard work that you have done is only to get the internet connection on all the devices available at your place, right? Well in that case you need to check if you can connect to the internet or not. You can check them using different apps or programs or you can simply ask your broadband operator to check them for you.

What if you faced the same problem again?

Do not freak out if you are facing the same issues again. Just use the factory-rest button right at the back of your router. To use it you will need a piece of sharply pointed equipment like a pen or anything that has a sharp pointed tip. Pressed and hold the button until the indicator flashed. Let the router rest for a few minutes and then switch it on again. Now go to the admin panel and repeat the same process. Do not forget to reset the password again.

If you are still unable to access, use or In case your router brand has come with a default gateway, you have to use that IP address. The overall process to set up the router, and change the user ID, password, and SSID name will be the same as the above. Make sure to type the IP address manually and correctly. Let your broadband operator put the IP address, server address, gateway server address, and DNA server address manually.

Make sure to check if the DNS server address is the same form the operator as the tendency of the DNS server is to change frequently. Check the back of the router to get the default ID and password before you start. If you do not have it there, you can check on the manual guide that comes with the router or you can just google it. However, this address is a private IP but it is commonly used as the gateway to set up the router or to change the router setting

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