The Entire Guide To Purchasing Your Favorite Grace Outfit

If you are just like me, madly in love with OSRS or Old School Run Scape, you have also travelled a lot. We cannot deny the fact that the game involved too much travelling. When I started playing it, I used to concentrate on travelling. While playing OSRS is not about travelling, you have to develop your skills and levels at the same time. However, as time goes, I learned new techniques, developed my skills, and learned about OSRS Graceful outfits and their colours and teleporting.

However, later I learned to use the teleporting system of OSRS. The teleport of OSRS is always a mysterious feature for me. I mean, it is great to teleport from here to there is great. But exploring the entire OSRS world is somehow impossible. It is huge, and I feel like the game expands its range on its own so that no one reaches the end.

We are not here to discuss OSRS’s magical power but how to save their energy while they have to do many tasks like walking, running, and teleporting. Now energy is a limited resource in the game. It will slow your travel time and exploration if you cannot save energy. And here Grace’s graceful outfit comes. Now here we will discuss OSRS Graceful Outfit and Recolors.


Where Can You Find Grace?

Here in the game, you can purchase the by exchanging Marks of Grace. Now finding Grace is difficult. You have to look for her in the Rogues’ Den in Burthorpe. Once you visit Burthorpe, go to The Tode and Chichen, and beneath this place, you will find Rogues’ Den, where Grace stays.

How Can You Buy Graceful Outfits?

Now, Grace is very strict. So, she will only allow you to have enough marks of Grace. You can also buy amylase crystals from her. We will discuss both benefits later, but right now, you should know how to get OSRS Graceful Outfit and Recolors?

Here you can buy the whole outfit at once or purchase an individual part of the outfit. The full outfit will cost almost 260 marks of Grace. Here is the price of each part-

  • Hood– 35 marks
  • Top– 55 marks
  • Legs– 60 marks
  • Gloves– 30 marks
  • Boots– 40 marks
  • Cape– 40 Marks

How Can You Obtain Marks?

Now, remember a crucial thing before you run to buy them. Grace only deals with those who have marks. And you can earn marks if you can run laps on Rooftop Agility Courses. Now earning 260 marks is not that hard if you can earn them by reaching level 53. If you are unsure about your power, you can do the Canifis Rooftop Course to get marks. However, several other Rooftop courses are available to help you obtain marks. Therefore, remember that obtaining a course will let you get your marks while you reach level 56. However, you can start on level 10 with Draynor. In this way, you do not have to move to Falador. Again, you can try Seer’s Village Rooftop Course. The main advantage of using this course is getting more experience points.

You can get back at least 208 marks by returning the outfit. But you have to return them while it is neutral in colour.

Why should you buy Graceful Outfit?

Once you save enough marks, you can purchase the full outfit. Purchasing the outfit will save enough of your gold coins and increase your travelling power. Before you know the benefits, we must tell you one thing- you can purchase 2600 amylase crystals for the same marks again if you can sell the amylase crystals to get the gold coins. Now having enough gold coins will give you benefits. You can later buy stamina potions.

Now coming back to the outfits. When you are a fan of OSRS, you know the importance of the question of how to get OSRS Graceful Outfit and Recolors?

Benefits of OSRS Outfit’s Pics-

At first, the entire outfit will reduce weight and increase your energy and recharging rate.

  • Hood- By exchanging for 35 marks, you can use the hood to reduce 3 kg of your weight. You will get 3% extra energy.
  • Top- By exchanging for 55 marks, you can use the top to reduce 5 kg of your weight. Your energy will increase by 4 %.
  • Legs- By exchanging 60 marks, you can use the leg to reduce 6 kg of your weight. Your energy will increase by 4 %.
  • Gloves- By exchanging for 30 marks, you can use the gloves to reduce 3 kg of your weight. You will get 3% extra energy.
  • Boots- By exchanging for 40 marks, you can use the hood to reduce 4 kg of your weight. You will get 3% extra energy.
  • Cape- By exchanging for 40 marks, you can use the hood to reduce 4 kg of your weight. You will get 3% extra energy.

Now the total weight reduction will be 25 kg, and you will receive 30% extra energy only by giving 260 marks of Grace.

Where Can Store Your Graceful Outfit?

Now that you have got the answer to how to get OSRS Graceful Outfit and Recolors? You must know where you can keep your outfit safe. However, we have not informed you about the recolour process. Anyway, protection is more important-

You can store your outfit or the pieces of the outfit in your magical wardrobe. Grace’s graceful outfit is somehow magical for players, or at least for me. And I do not want to lose it at any cost. Now you will find the wardrobe in your costume room. You will find it in your Player Owned House (POH).

You can also try items like penance gloves, boots of lightness, and a spottier cape. They will also reduce weight. More than the Grace outfit does. However, you can get the energy restoration bonus only from Grace Outfit.

Disclaimer of The Outfit-

  1. You can only return the outfit if there is no colour at all.
  2. If you are at level 20 and somehow you die, you will not be able to get your outfit back.
  3. If you are in the “Free to Play Worlds,” you will not be able to reduce your weight using a Graceful outfit.

Recolouring the Outfit-

Here is the second portion of the question, “how to get OSRS Graceful Outfit and Recolors?”. You can change your Graceful outfit into six different colours. Isn’t it awesome? Here you can have the colour of Arceuus (Violet), the colour of Port Piscarilius (Gray), The colour of Lovakengj (Mustard), the colour of Shayzien (Red), the colour of Hosidius (Green), and the colour of Kourend (off white or white) and a few other colours as well including the default. However, you have to pay a different amount of mark of Grace to change the colour of your outfit; here is the list of all colours and their price.

  • Default– No need for extra marks.
  • Arceuus- It Will cost 90 Marks to recolour.
  • Port Piscarilius- Will cost 90 Marks to recolour.
  • Lovakengi- It Will cost 90 Marks to recolour.
  • Shazier- It Will cost 90 Marks to recolour.
  • Hosidius- It Will cost 90 Marks to recolour.
  • Great Kourend- It Will cost 90 Marks to recolour.
  • Brimhaven Agility Arena- It will cost 250 agility arena tickets to recolour.
  • Hallowed Sepulchre- Will cost 1800 hallowed Marks to recolour.
  • Trailblazer League- Will cost 6000 league points to recolour.

I am sure you know how to earn extra marks and buy a graceful outfit. But only marks will not let you change the colour of your outfit. You have to talk to Osten, who is in Shayzien House. The house is located in the Great Kourend.  Now here, you must satisfy Osten and earn 100% favour to change your outfit’s colour to the city’s colour. Once you get 100% favour from all the cities, you can change into a special colour scheme.

Though most colours ask to pay with marks to change the colour, there are three special schemes you cannot obtain with marks.

  • As you have already seen in the list, the blue colour scheme or Brimhaven Agility Arena outfit will ask you to pay for 250 agility arena tickets. You can get the tickets from Pirate Jackie The Fruit in Brimhaven city. The colour matches the colour scheme of Agility Cape.
  • You can recolour the outfit into a Hallowed Sepilcher colour scheme by obtaining dark dye for 300 hallowed marks per piece.
  • Again, if you have earned a trailblazer graceful ornament kit, you can pay 6000 points to change the colour to brown.

Final word-

Getting The outfit is easy while you are in the game OSRS. You have to complete the Rooftop Agility Course until you have enough marks. Now it would be better to earn as much Grace as possible once you have earned enough Grace to visit the Rogue’s Den to purchase the outfit.

One thing you must remember is to stay at Canifis unless you have enough Marks. However, you can do the same thing by staying at level 60.

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